
Olive oil


Dirección: Kralja Zvonimira 50, 21210 Solin
Teléfono móvil: +385 98 582 604
Contacto: Igor Tente

Olive oil as an authentic product and the most important element of the culinary culture of Solin, is a sort of a trademark of the town which is why it is extremely important for development and promotion of tourism in Solin.

Solin has an Olive Growers Association which numbers 140 members and actively works to promote olive oil and educate people about the importance of olive growing and oil making for Solin's economy. Together with the Federation of Chefs of Mediterranean and European Regions from Split, the Association organized "Olea Salona 2011" - a two-part event. The first part was a roundtable discussion titled "The state of olive growing and branding the Dalmatian olive oil to promote and develop Dalmatian tourism," while the second part consisted of a presentation of Mediterranean cuisine. The aim of the project is to combine production capacities of Dalmatian oil makers and olive growers in order to brand the indigenous Dalmatian extra virgin olive oils made from the olive varieties of oblica, levantinka and lastovka. In addition to educational courses for olive growers held in olive groves, the Association holds educational workshops for children about the importance of olive oil for their healthy development and growth. 

Another aim of the Salona Association of Olive Growers is to enrich tourism in the Solin area, by creating olive routes where visitors can participate in olive picking and processing as well as oil production.

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