
The First Christian Oratorium


In all towns of the Roman world, the first Christian communities (communitas, ecclesia) gathered at the private home of a more reputable member, in a room that could take a larger number of persons. This happened in Salona, as well. E. Dyggve considered that such a room, known as domus ecclesiae (the community house) or paraphrased ecclesia in domo privata (community in a private house), was by the town walls, in the northwestern part of the so-called eastern town. This room is usually referred to by the name given to it by Dyggve, Oratorium A. Discussions on this topic and the beginnings of Christianity in Salona, B. Gabričević considered that the oratorium in a private house was arranged in a manner influenced by missions coming from the city of Rome. Perhaps even at the time of the bishop Venancius. It appears that he was the first head of the Salonitan Christian community.

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